Musk himself is a Wankpanzer. (Capitalized, because ... German). Remember how one of the products of his Boring Co. (I do love the name) was a flamethrower? It didn't sell well, not because it was a psychotic idea but because it didn't work very well.

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Incel Camino

Rhodesian Ridgeline

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They're so horrible-looking. And I learned from a friend in the auto industry this weekend that they're dangerous, too -- apparently closing the trunk on your fingers will just lop them right off. This has been confirmed with a test using hot dogs 😳.

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And I just remembered they used carrots, not hot dogs.

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Holy crap!

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There’s one here in my hood on Russian Hill and I never knew what to call it! 😂😂😂

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>That was how panzer rolled


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You know all this obsession with military equipage began after WWII when department stores began carrying planes and humvees, etc. I put some of this in my book. Some of it had to be cut because it was a bit too long--but it's one of the two things I regret cutting. The list of different department stores and the military equipment they carried. It did not include weapons, only vehicles.

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I saw one of these monstrosities inching by Union Square as I was coming home in a cab Saturday night! Perhaps the heavy armor was needed because we have so much "protest activity" there these days (although I personally find it easier to avoid this on foot by diverting to 13th Street instead). The cab driver and I were both amazed and he was searching for the name. If only your column had come out last week.

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I've also seen Urban Assault Vehicle (UAV).

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Interesting observation about wankpanzers in the UK. They are mostly seen outside school gates. Apparently the mummies driving them “feel safer” in them. They may feel safer but they scare the crap out of me charging about the place with their superiority over other humans apparent in their tendency to park very badly and ignore rights of way and anyone driving a smaller vehicle.

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Personally I prefer Deplorean, as in “Doc, you made a car bomb out of a Deplorean?”

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I now have an insult to sling around when describing Emotional Support Vehicles.

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Great article on the "Wankpanzer"! I will now start calling them that.

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You didn't ruin the joke for me. Rather, you have inspired a new epithet for me to wield as necessary.

Or just as I see fit!

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