Musk himself is a Wankpanzer. (Capitalized, because ... German). Remember how one of the products of his Boring Co. (I do love the name) was a flamethrower? It didn't sell well, not because it was a psychotic idea but because it didn't work very well.
Musk himself is a Wankpanzer. (Capitalized, because ... German). Remember how one of the products of his Boring Co. (I do love the name) was a flamethrower? It didn't sell well, not because it was a psychotic idea but because it didn't work very well.
Musk himself is a Wankpanzer. (Capitalized, because ... German). Remember how one of the products of his Boring Co. (I do love the name) was a flamethrower? It didn't sell well, not because it was a psychotic idea but because it didn't work very well.