I would love to have heard Buddy Hackett perform the "Oy, am I thirsty" joke.

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"Madeupical". It took me a while. Nice.

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Oh yes, 'strain at stool' was surely Churchill's comment on seeing Graham Sutherland's 1954 portrait of him - he hated it: 'It makes me look as if I were straining at stool'. It was eventually burned, with no complaints, by his private secretary.

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My father used to tell me that 'vos I toisty' joke in 1950s.

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The "Oy, am I thirsty" joke appears in a documentary about why Jews are funny. My grandmother, a pogrom survivor who embodied the word "kvetch" taught me how to pronounce it. I graduated to "kvell." She did a lot of that too.

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Great stuff. But I can't believe you relegated "to strain at stool" to a footnote!

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Nancy does sweary, not dirty.

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