Jun 17Liked by Nancy Friedman

As has been noted, the only brats I favor are those that come with sauerkraut.

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Jun 17Liked by Nancy Friedman

Surely there's a connection to be drawn between rat packs turned brat packs and the other big trend of the summer, rat-like heartthrobs. But I'm not sure what it is.

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I had not been informed of the rat-like heartthrobs.

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I don't think the NYT was the first but here's their story. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/08/style/who-is-a-rodent-man.html

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Which occasioned much (negative) comment. And here's a good hed (but dumb story). https://www.dailydot.com/memes/hot-rodent-boyfriend/ It's all over. I'm not so curious about this trend - I want to know why many heartthrobs look so neurasthenic (not necessarily ALL of these). But I realize that would not result in a good click bait-y hed.

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I missed those stories, but just this morning Jason Diamond published a post about rodent boys, so I feel like I've caught up. https://open.substack.com/pub/meltedcheeseonwhitefish/p/i-feel-less-bad-about-my-shoulder

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Jun 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

Your article pushed me to finally watch BRATS last night and I loved it. I am a huge John Hughes fan (especially) the music and I found the entire thought behind the film interesting. There seemed to be a distinct shift in perspective around how the actors felt about the term "Brat Pack" based on their subsequent success (or lack of) after it. Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, etc. seemed unfazed and others felt more personally attacked.

I know that's not the point of your article but I also think words take on different meaning depending on the way they do/don't affect you personally.

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Jun 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

Nancy- Thanks for sharing this. It's been a while since I've seen Esteves' work, so this is a pleasant surprise. And with an exploration of the word "brat," no less. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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When I saw Viv's title my immediate thought was "she's going into food now" -- every so often my hub who did b-school at Michigan and grew up in Chicago gets this brat craving. It's not green or actor related.

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