Not enough time to think about what novels I would recommend. My tastes are childish and lazy: the intellectual equivalent of eating doughnuts for breakfast. I would like to note that the American mispronunciation of coup de grace seems almost universal (among people that care even enough to try). I distinctly remember being told in my y…
Not enough time to think about what novels I would recommend. My tastes are childish and lazy: the intellectual equivalent of eating doughnuts for breakfast. I would like to note that the American mispronunciation of coup de grace seems almost universal (among people that care even enough to try). I distinctly remember being told in my youth what the phrase meant, and that it was not "koop dee grace" but "koo dee grah," because French words all ended like that.
Not enough time to think about what novels I would recommend. My tastes are childish and lazy: the intellectual equivalent of eating doughnuts for breakfast. I would like to note that the American mispronunciation of coup de grace seems almost universal (among people that care even enough to try). I distinctly remember being told in my youth what the phrase meant, and that it was not "koop dee grace" but "koo dee grah," because French words all ended like that.
Michael, I am shocked! I pictured you with a stack of Marxist philosophy books, or maybe a cultural history of Uruguay, at your elbow.
Mardi Gras, foie gras, coup de grâce, same difference, right?