A fine collection of information, Nancy! As to the S-word, I remember when the Scrabble app decided to do a little housekeeping and it became unplayable, though whether that was the same time that JEW became unplayable, or a different time, I don't quite recall.

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Aug 29Liked by Nancy Friedman

Is GOTHKRT supposed to be, like... Goth-Kart? Or - given the Elon anti-shout-out - an explanation and invitation to share one's aesthetic? "Goth, K? RT!"

(Oh, and I assume HELLA/OPE is a deliberate riff on Obama's HOPE, but maybe that's a coincidence. And if it is, someone must have made the HELLA/OPE/HOPE mashup shirt already!)

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1. Yes, GOTH KART. Because it's black?

2. Nope, not HOPE. Just two regional expressions.

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Aug 29Liked by Nancy Friedman

Fabulous linkstack, Nancy, and Lauren Collins (bien sur) and Lyn Chamberlin are now in my stack. Otherwise, I’m 100% on board with the NEFFY Double Indemnity association. I do think it’s a great mark for something … but I’m not sure if a lifesaving drug is that something.

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Aug 29Liked by Nancy Friedman

Similar to the AI vs human stories, I recently found this quiz which asks people to decide whether hotel reviews were written by AI or humans. https://lancasteruni.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3WrOLkOBfzUo8DA

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Haha, that's great!

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Thanks Nancy! Not only for the mention, but also for all the great links!

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Aug 29Liked by Nancy Friedman

Thank you Nancy for sharing Logo Histories. There's quite a few free reads in our archive here: https://www.logohistories.com/t/logo

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