Jan 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

Thank you for writing this. Assholocene indeed. I must find an opportunity to use that word in a conversation. As usual, you communicate important ideas and make me laugh.

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Jan 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

Your position is one I concur with...I was also somewhat concerned when I first got wind of this. Without much digging, I was looking at my favorite substack "remainers" and thinking watch and wait. You've articulated the matter well - thanks.

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Jan 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

“I’ve seen enough tech bullshit — so much bullshit! — that I am frankly surprised when a tech founder turns out not to be an asshole.”

Sad. And does not bode well. Perhaps another piece on why that is? Why do we promote these guys--and they are almost always guys--in the first place?

Sadly, it’s not just tech, either. Thanks for this piece. I saw the article in the Atlantic and wondered how widespread it really was...

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Jan 20Liked by Nancy Friedman

Who opened the window?

That was welcome fresh air.


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Jan 19Liked by Nancy Friedman

This kind of censorship (“content moderation”) reminds me of the "hate crime" or "hate speech" designation, and the thinking behind it.

Should the penalty for murder be more severe if a murderer hates the person he murdered?

Who gets to decide whether a comment is hate speech? A judge? A committee? The government?

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Jan 18Liked by Nancy Friedman

I don't subscribe to very many Substacks, so I haven't been exposed to any of the 6 "Nazis." I did cancel my sub to Kareem's Substack, because while his writing is exceptional, he highlights too much of the assholocene, and it just wasn't good for my mental health--it just made me angry.

So hang in here, Nancy. I'm sure, if we look for Nazis, we can find them. But I suspect, as Mr. Auslander implies, we'd have to look pretty hard to find them. We'll have a real problem when we start seeing them without looking.

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